Most Importantly, Thank You Very Much For Using Services.
It is most paramount that you read these terms of service to understand the rules and know what to expect and what your responsibilities are for this and any other company that you do business with before registering for an account. By reading the terms of service also known as rules of the web site that any company should put forth to you, will give you the ability to know what to expect from that company. Our goal in presenting this terms of service to you is to explain to you what you should expect from this company. Please read this terms of service before registering for an account, as it is your responsibility. We are not responsible for your not reading these terms of service and/or rules of the website.
Main Service Focus:
The focus of our service is to provide you with an acceptable priority fax transmission service and the process with in that. The services you receive will not be measured by the conclusion of any transmission, it is measured in usage consumption of a transmission. Anything beyond the realm of priority fax transmitting is not our focus. The foundation of our integrity is the ability with the use of these policies to give you an accurate conclusion of fax transmissions.
Top 4 Rules:
1. There is a charge for all faxes submitted on this system whether it is failed or successful at the per page usage and per submission usage values.
2. Late fees are assessed onto accounts with balances held for more than 30 days.
3. Although there are no monthly fees to hold an account, there is a fee to close an account.
4. By using in any way, you signify that you agree to be bound by this agreement.
(Please scroll down to view and read the rules and agreement in detail.)
Submitting A Fax
If your fax contains personal information, it will be sent to the fax number of your choice. We ( and parent company EJOAT Enterprises or any employees) are not responsible for anything occurring after the fax is sent. It is your responsibility to know what your sending and who you are sending it to. It is very important to (you) that you choose the correct files to send as a fax and that you are absolutely sure that you are sending the fax to the correct fax number. We have no control of whether or not the fax number is correct or is not working. and parent company EJOAT Enterprises or any employees are not responsible for your adding any personal identifiable or financial information including credit card information to any part of a fax including a cover sheet form on any part or any of the linked web sites.
Fax Processing
After you submit your files to fax, and then process your order, your files will be cued for delivery to the fax number you entered while submitting the files to fax. After your fax is submitted onto our system and is ready to be delivered, an e-mail will be sent to you notifying you that your fax request was received onto the system and will then be sending the fax. In this period you may be asked to pay the charges during the fax or you may be asked to pre-pay for the fax. When the fax transmission is completed, your account is updated and a final status e-mail is sent out regarding this fax with the subject line #######: Fax Successful - Invoice or #######: Fax Failed - Invoice you will find information on how to make a payment if not already paid earlier in the process and your if account has not been assessed any additional USAGE fees, your account will have been updated to reflect the total USAGE for the transmission.
Fax Transmission Time:
Most faxes are all delivered within just a few minutes, one page and faxes received digitally have been in moments. Depending on the fax number the fax is sent to, how many pages, document type, document/s sizes, the country where the fax is being sent to and/or but not limited to if your account requires validation or verification. Please allow from 2 minutes to several hours for the system to attempt and/or deliver your fax or longer depending on the delivery locations such as less stable regions and other network issues.
Cover Sheet And Cover Pages
Cover sheets and cover pages are a page in your fax and you will be charged accordingly for each cover sheet or cover page.
Number Of Pages
The number of pages of your fax order will be recalculated to reflect it's usage after the attempt to deliver the fax to it's destination.
File Sizes of Documents You are Faxing
The file size should be around 5 MB to 7 MB maximum. Any fax with a file size larger may be compressed and/or fail to be compressed and therefore cause the fax to fail. Please make sure documents are Internet ready, not PRINTER OR FAX MACHINE ready as in most cases your files have to be very large for quality reasons were it would make less difference online. Depending on the priority level of the fax, your files may be compressed. Charges for compression of files/documents are $1.00 for every megabyte over the maximum 7 megabytes we allow in a standard fax.
Any fax that contains more than one file and is above 10 MB and depending on the priority level, your files may be compressed and bundled by the system. Charges for compression of files/documents are $1.00 for every megabyte over the maximum 7 megabytes we allow in a standard fax and $2.00 for bundling files.
Compressed and bundled files will be in the highest pdf quality.
Correct File Types That Are Unreadable:
If your file is unreadable by the system, the system will resubmit your fax automatically one time before it stops attempting to send the fax. Fax resubmission fees apply. After the second failure, the system will notify you and a representative that your files where unreadable. Attempts will be made through the customer by phone or e-mail in the U.S.A. and e-mail for customers with International (other than the U.S.A.) telephone number holders to have the file adjusted and resubmitted. If our representative are not able to raise the customer for reformatted files, our advanced document formatting team will reformat the documents and the submit them for fax. Document reformatting fees apply. We are not responsible for unreadable files by the fax system.
File Types
We give you the ability to use a wide variety of documents, they may be found on the file types pages. Please be sure you know exactly what your documents output of the document are going to be before you submit them as we do not view the fax to see if it looks like a fax. We recommend pdf and jpg or jpeg for non advanced internet fax users and we also recommend that you understand how these any other type of file works before you submit it as a fax. For example: .docx should be saved for internet use and while tif, pdf and jpg are simple, you can still have a one page fax where there file size is larger than a standard maximum 7 megabytes.
Reformatting Of Documents:
If for some reason you are not able to produce the above file types or your document with the file types above are unreadable by our fax system for the fax delivery and your documents require reformatting by our fax delivery specialist, there will be a fee or charge of $5.00 without any notice.
Someone Answers The Fax Line or The Fax Line Is Busy:
If someone answers the phone or if the fax phone line is busy while our system is sending the fax, the system will attempt to send the fax until it is sent unless there are priority level restraints and you will receive an e-mail notifying you of the result and your account will be charged the full of order and any resubmission. not responsible if someone answers the fax phone line, or if the fax line is busy.
Failed or Unsuccessful Delivery Of Faxes:
If your fax is marked Failed or Unsuccessful, your fax had been attempted by the system but was unable to deliver the fax to the number entered into the system or the documents/files where unreadable or un-recoverable when or after order was placed and documents/files and fax number to deliver the fax to was submitted. We are not responsible for unsuccessful delivery of faxes. You will be charged the same for failed, undelivered and successful faxes. We are not responsible if your fax is delivered to the wrong location for any reason.
Re-Submitting Of Your Fax:
There will be a $1.00 (U.S.A.) $2.00 (International) service charge to resubmitting your fax for each re-submit for any reason at the fax destination up to 20 attempts unless otherwise authorized by the customer. However, the maximum number fax system task attempts is 45 attempts, unless further authorized by the fax sender. After each failure, the system will pause three (3) minutes to sixty (60) minutes before resubmitting the high priority or medium priority fax. Each attempt (fax system task) by the system consists of more than twenty dialing attempts to dial the number (not just one single dialing). After the first 20 attempts the system will notify you that your fax send was unsuccessful. Attempts will be made to verify the fax number through the customer by phone or e-mail in the U.S.A. and e-mail for customers with International (other than the U.S.A.) telephone number holders.
Priority Levels
As a part of the normal usage of this web site, there are three levels of priority to send your fax. This is set up so that you only have to submit your fax one time by using the high and medium levels of priority to ensure the success of your fax is successful by resubmitting your fax in the case it fails on an attempt. Below will describe how priority levels are used.
Send a fax by using the HIGH PRIORITY Level:
In the case of *failures, your fax will be resubmitted until the delivery of your fax is complete.
$1.00 per resubmission for U.S. and Canadian Faxes
$2.00 per resubmission for International Faxes
maximum 10 resubmission's
Send a fax by using the MEDIUM PRIORITY Level:
In the case of *failures, your fax will be resubmitted until the delivery of your fax is complete with phone, live support, or e-mail authorization by fax sender.
$1.00 per resubmission for U.S. and Canadian Faxes
$2.00 per resubmission for International Faxes
maximum 5 resubmission's
Send a fax by using the LOW PRIORITY Level:
A low priority fax that fails to be delivered for any reason will not be resubmitted to fax.
Canceling Faxes:
A cancellation of a fax will take place after the results of the current submission is completed.
Fax Money Packs:
Money pack purchased from this website may be used for this website only. Once purchased, money packs are non-refundable. Money pack values are the same value as cash on this website. Money pack credits may only be used after purchase of money pack. If your account has a balance and/or a submitted fax awaiting transmission completion and then you buy a money pack, the balance on your account will not reflect the purchase of the money pack. You must buy a money pack be fore it's use. Purchase of fax money packs will not be reflected upon any current usage or current balance. Accounts that have balances will be offered to customer until current balance on any given account is paid in full.
Fax Money Packs Expirations:
For a development trial period of time, Fax Money Packs currently do not have expirations. We will review Fax Money Pack expirations on the date of 2/01/2012. If any expiration date is imposed, the expiration date of any fax money pack you purchase may or may not be usable at that time. This service is in development level trial period. This service is scheduled to be offered at a non-limited time.
Dedicated Fax Process & Services:
Any usage such as submitting a fax with a registered account has dedicated service set up for that account. Service is rendered to your account the moment you submit a fax, with the status of "Submitted For Faxing". From this point, your fax could cost a minimum of $1.50. Any fee or charge you recieve beyond that will be inline with the guidelines of this terms of service agreement.
Please make sure that you insert to your white list of e-mails. We and/or are not responsible if your e-mail provider does not except e-mails from servers or the web site. Customers wishing to enquire about their account and/or orders may navigate to the "My Account" page located on the web site and choose the order they are enquiring about. If another customer of this company, receives your email address for any reason, we are not responsible. If your do receive someone else's e-mail address for any reason or someone else's email you must delete it. The message is STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL and is solely for the individual or organization to whom it is addressed. It may contain PRIVILEGED and CONFIDENTIAL information. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication and its contents is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient you should not read, copy, distribute, disclose or otherwise use the information in this email. Email may be susceptible to data corruption, interception and unauthorized amendment, and we do not accept liability for any such corruption, interception or amendment or the consequences thereof or your reliance on any information contained therein if you are not the intended recipient. If you think you have received this message and its contents in error, please delete it from your computer.
Balance Reminder Emails
After starting a balance your e-mail address goes into a queue called the Weekly Balance Reminder email queue and you will receive one balance reminder e-mail every one week until the balance is paid in full or 30 days past due. The balance reminder e-mail is not a harassment e-mail, the balance reminder is a reminder to you to pay your balance to this company. You will continue to receive the balance reminder e-mails until your balance is paid in full.
After 30 days of holding a balance your e-mail address goes into a queue called the Daily Balance Reminder email queue and you will receive one balance reminder e-mail every one day until the balance is paid in full. The balance reminder e-mail is not a harassment e-mail, the balance reminder is a reminder to you to pay your balance to this company. You will continue to receive the balance reminder e-mails until your balance is paid in full. See
New Accounts:
If you are registering for a new account, your account may be subject a verification process. This procedure could take up 48 hours to complete. If your a new user creating an account and have already set up a fax, your fax will be submitted and put on hold if your account requires the account verification process. The system automatically checks certain aspects of information that is gathered. Most accounts are verified are validated immediately, but some do require additional validation.
Phone Email Support or Live Online Support:
We have phone support per request. You may request phone support via the contact page.
We offer online e-mail support. Unfortunately, not all emails will be answered. If you send an e-mail for support make sure before you read all of the information we have set out to help you process your account. If a repetitive replies to your e-mail it is because your question required an answer that could not be found on the web site.
Additionally, we do read the e-mail and we will try to answer your questions as quickly as we can.
The e-mail system is live. When you send and e-mail, it is immediately sent to the support e-mail inbox. We may offer an online support system that if a representative is available you will get to speak to a one live and online.
Keep in mind, whether you use the phone, e-mail or live support, your seeking the same support. In the past, we have recognized when you make available all three, some users will use all three at one time creating a terrible strain on support staff. So we have developed a plan that is live at all times, your e-mails may be answered with in seconds depending on your query. If you need phone support, we give you an option to request phone support.
Referral Program And/Or Link To Us
By electing to place a link on your Web site, you acknowledge and agree that you have no right to modify, change or alter in any way the trademarks and other intellectual property, including, but not limited to, the link to this site. Any modification, change, alteration or similar action shall result in termination of the right to place such link on your Web site. You also acknowledge and agree that you have no right to use any of this site's intellectual property except as contained in the links provided above. The right to place a link to this Web site may be terminated or revoked for any reason whatsoever.
At this time we are not able to provide refunds for any reason. We are not able to provide refunds for faxes purchased on the web site. However, your order (if documents/files to deliver as a fax and/or the number to deliver the fax to are not submitted for delivery) for a fax will remain in your account until you need it and return to use it for one month. Any overpayment will refunded through in-store credit where you may use the credit at any time.
Total Costs
Total costs included depends on how many pages your fax contained, where the fax is to be delivered, what priority level you choose, how many attempts were made upon delivering your fax to it's destination and if your billing is correct. Read complete terms of service to understand all fees and charges. You are responsible for any additional costs such as ANYTHING that has a monetary or time value for this company having to take any additional actions other than it's normal business processes.
Over Usage Of Fax Money Packs:
Faxes that over use credits on account will be completely transmitted and then your account will be updated to reflect the usage. Your account will updated with a balance that will reflect only the over usage. Over usage fax money pack credit balances will be subject to regular late fees. You will be charged an extra $15.00 per month for any outstanding balance for more than one month (30 days) with out notification and for each additional month your account holds a balance.
Cancellation Of Subscriptions:
Upon cancellation of any subscription, there will be a $40.00 service fee charged to you.
Close Account:
At the time of an account being closed, there will be a $40.00 service fee charged to you. If you close your account, file a dispute or complaint, your account will be automatically re-instated and a $40.00 fee will be imposed and you will have to pay another $40.00 to close your account again.
Other Fees and Charges
Other Fees Include But Not Limited To:
Miscellaneous Fees - If your account has been charged extra fees, your fax probably required attention from our fax specialist in order to get your fax delivered.(example: reformatting of documents to be faxed). You are responsible for any additional costs such as ANYTHING that has a monetary or time value for this company having to take any additional actions other than it's normal business processes. All service fees not in the sphere of processing faxes are hourly based at a one hour minimum.
We are currently accepting as a means of payment. If any invoice is rejected by a customer that had originally been sent out from the PayPal website by one the staff, there will be a $40.00 service fee when the invoice is re-initiated every time an invoice is rejected.
We are not responsible for any email, payment processing and/or but not limited to website malfunctions.
Any transaction disputed for any reason through and is found to be accurate will result in an additional $40.00 service fee for every communication issue; and also a part of our off-site support policies.
Late Fees:
You will be charged an extra $15.00 per month for any outstanding balance for more than one month (30 days) with out notification and for each additional month your account holds a balance.
It is understood that when you recieve a late fee of $15.00 on a $1.50 can be quite surprising. If this happens to you, just know you had 30 whole days to pay the $1.50 where you would not have any late fee. Also, no matter if a BEGINING balance is $1.50 or $99.00, you will recieve a $15.00 late fee after the time allowed which is 30 days.
Financial Charge backs/Disputes To This Company
A charge back to a company is a dispute to a customer. Charge backs are the result of a dispute action taken by a customer. A fee of $40.00 per charge back will be assessed in the event that we receive a charge back from a transaction that is processed on this web site after agreement of the terms of service before creating an account. Account holders that process disputes with their financial institutions will be held responsible for any after effect of the or any charge back and/or dispute, financially and/or legally. Account holders personal and financial information will have been retained per this terms of service for legal length of time to insure that charge backs are delft with in this manner.
Failed Bank Transfer, Chargeback and/or DPA
There will be a $40.00 fee for any Failed Bank Transfer, Chargeback and/or but not limited to DPA's that occurs for any and all transactions.
Identity Theft
We are serious about identity theft. Anyone not authorized to use someone else's information to access this website in any way is considered Identity Theft. If you think or have found that someone is using your information and they are not authorized to do so, please contact support immediately. We will limit access on the account in question. We will require you to file a identity theft report with your local law enforcement authority and submit that information to our fraud department. We will then forward proper data and information to include in your identity theft evidence. We are not in any way responsible if somebody uses your information on this site or any other site.
A $40.00 account termination fee will be applied to the account balance upon limiting the account.
If any statement of identity theft is found to be untrue, a reinstatement fee of $40.00 will be assessed on to the balance and the account will remain limited until paid in full and will acquire additional monthly late fees if not paid in full. On or after the day of the untrue findings, anyone making false statements will be reported to the appropriate authorities for making fraudulent statements and/or theft or attempted theft of services.
Filing Complaints With A Third Party
Any complaint filed with any organization against this or any company associated with this website will result in a $40.00 hourly service charge for responses and communication with that organization and you will be subject to future financial and/or legal action. You may dispute any issue on your account from the this company as no organization has any power over this company to render this agreement. You are responsible for any additional costs such as ANYTHING that has a monetary or time value for this company having to take any additional actions other than it's normal business processes.
Third Party Content
Third party content may appear on the Site or may be accessible via links from the Site. We are not responsible for and assume no liability for any mistakes, misstatements of law, defamation, omissions, falsehood, obscenity, pornography or profanity in the statements, opinions, representations or any other form of content on the Site. You understand that the information and opinions in the third party content represent solely the thoughts of the author and is neither endorsed by nor does it necessarily reflect our belief.
Credit, Debit and/or Other Billing Information
We will retain any billing information entered by you for future references and/or for future payments. Your credit card and/or billing information is held for a period of time after each transaction and then is deleted when legally allowable.
Access To Client Financial Information
Financial information is kept in a secure location and behind data encryption and shared only with the upstanding financial institution that Authorizes or Declines all billing information collected by this company.
Credit Card Usage
Unauthorized use of any credit/debit cards or any other financial method will be prohibited. Any fraudulent and/or otherwise illegal activities will be handled and dealt with in a legal manner. Every and all actions on this web site are recorded and can and will be used as evidence. We allow usage of an authorized person or entity the usage of another person's or entities financial information for transactions. The information collected during the transaction and/or but not limited to fax submission documentation is owned by in part with account holder, authorized user, unauthorized user, credit card owner or debit card owner and
Browsing Habits:
We are not at all responsible for your browsing habits. We recommend that you use this service with well known latest versions of Internet web browsers such as Internet Explorer and FireFox or others that are closely comparable. We recommend a screen size of at least 8 inches wide and 8 inches in height. We recommend life size viewing of our content where the size 12 pixels/inches/centimeters is indeed the size of 12 pixels/inches/centimeters. We are not responsible for your not receiving the full experience of any web page due to the size or type of browsing technology your using.
You, or the individuals who will electronically execute this Agreement on behalf of You hereby represent and warrant that they have the right, power, legal capacity and appropriate authority to enter into this Agreement, and that they own and have not transferred to any other person or entity any of the rights, claims or interests that are the subject of this Agreement. You represent and warrant that You are 18 years of age or older, or that You have an agent authorized by law to represent You who is 18 years of age or older who is entering into this Agreement on Your behalf. You warrant that each action You make is being done so in good faith and that You have no knowledge of it infringing upon or conflicting with the legal rights of a third party or a third party's trademark or trade name. expressly reserves the right to deny, cancel or transfer any account registration that it deems necessary, in its discretion, to protect the integrity and stability of the registry, to comply with any applicable laws, government rules or requirements, requests of law enforcement, in compliance with any dispute resolution process, or to avoid any liability, civil or criminal, on the part of , as well as its affiliates, subsidiaries, officers, directors and employees. also reserves the right to freeze an account during resolution of a dispute.
You agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless and its contractors, agents, employees, officers, directors, shareholders, and affiliates from any loss, liability, damages or expense, including reasonable attorneys' fees, resulting from any third party claim, action, proceeding or demand related to Your (including Your agents affiliates, or anyone using Your account, software or services with whether or not on Your behalf, and whether or not with Your permission) use of the Software or Services You purchased from or Your breach of this Agreement or incorporated agreements and policies. In addition, You agree to indemnify and hold harmless from any loss, liability, damages or expense, including reasonable attorneys' fees, arising out of any breach of any representation or warranty provided herein, any negligence or willful misconduct by You, or any allegation that Your account infringes a third person's copyright, trademark or proprietary or intellectual property right, or misappropriates a third person's trade secrets. This indemnification is in addition to any indemnification required of You elsewhere. Should be notified of a pending law suit, or receive notice of the filing of a law suit, may seek a written confirmation from You concerning Your obligation to indemnify . Your failure to provide such a confirmation may be considered a breach of this agreement. You agree that shall have the right to participate in the defense of any such claim through counsel of its own choosing. You agree to notify of any such claim promptly in writing and to allow to control the proceedings. You agree to cooperate fully with during such proceedings.
You agree You will not be entitled to a refund of any fees paid to if, for any reason, takes corrective action with respect to Your improper or illegal use of its services. You also agree that if is notified that a complaint has been filed with a governmental, administrative or judicial body, regarding a account of Yours with , that , in its sole discretion, may take whatever action deems necessary regarding further modification, assignment of and/or control of your account to comply with the actions or requirements of the governmental, administrative or judicial body until such time as the dispute is settled.
Theft of our Services/Products
A person commits theft of service on this site, when a person declines with intent to avoid payment for this service and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent. If you agree to these terms in order to render an account and then submit a fax or access any service such as Fax Money Packs, you have rendered our service, the first would be storing your document for the fax and but not limited to the second would be use of fax line to transmit your fax and then e-mail or in any other way communicate to us that your not going to pay is theft by definition.
Fraud Policy
WARNING: We take fraud seriously. It is a crime to purchase products using a false identity, or stolen credit card, or false or stolen credit card numbers. It is a crime and is theft of service if, with intent to avoid payment you make an agreement to render service. Further, it is a crime to misuse the charge back process to obtain a refund for goods that you obtained fraudulently. Whether you are the victim, or the perpetrator of fraud, be assured that we will actively pursue and prosecute fraud offenders to the fullest extent of the law. We submit all fraudulent orders, as well as the IP address used to perpetrate the fraud, to the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the United States Postal Inspection Service, The IC3 and the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) for prosecution to the fullest extent of the law. In addition, we will work with cardholders, credit card companies, and local authorities to pursue fraud offenders.
Fraud offenders not only take advantage of online merchants and consumers, but they also abuse the system the Internet community relies on for its normal operation. This abuse will continue the trend of merchants either refusing to sell products to those with anonomous email services, mail drops, or different bill-to addresses, or completely refusing to sell their products online.
Representation Of Or Any Subsidiary Of Which
You or any employees acting and/or but not limited to associates for you are not authorized in any way to make any representations of this company that may harm it. You are not authorized to speak, share with write and/or but not limited to communicate in any way, with any person, persons or any entity about this company even if your not a customer or client or to a customer or client. In doing so, you will be stealing proprietary materials. If this so happens, you will be responsible for all our/your reasonable attorneys' fees if any legal actions are to pass. For the protection of this company you will follow the but not limited to the above mentioned rules. No person, persons and/or any entity are not authorized to speak, write and/or but not limited to communicate in any ill will of, EJOAT Enterprises, the EJOAT network and/or any entity of which of any past or future information, opinion and/or but not limited to financial transactions.
Non-account holders that use our information as content or use our information will be noted/recorded for future legal actions that may take place.
The reason for this part of the agreement is that negative assessments made to do harm to this company are found to be untrue following the guidelines this entire agreement and it's policies. We do not allow you to post/use any information and this is our policy.
The headings in the Agreement are descriptive only and in the event of a conflict between a heading and the underlying terms of this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement shall control.
You agree that this Agreement including the policies and agreements it refers to constitute the complete and only Agreement between You and Enterprises regarding the Services contemplated herein.
You agree that the terms of this Agreement are sever able. If any part of this Agreement is determined to be unenforceable or invalid, that part of the agreement will be interpreted in accordance with applicable law as closely as possible, in line with the original intention of both parties to the Agreement. The remaining terms and conditions of the Agreement will remain in full force and effect.
This Agreement
We are not responsible for your failure to read this agreement/contract and it's notices at any point in time or but not limited to it's revisions. You have no right to register for an account and agree to these terms of service and then in any time say you did not agree to them and write anywhere, online of in print content such as " SCAM,, EJOAT Enterprises" or anything to the likes. We set these terms of service up so that you are not scammed. Anything we do, and or charge you for, IN ON THIS PAGE. So you can not say you where scammed. These terms are stationary online found on this web page. We encourage you to remain updated on these as these terms of service may change at any time. Use of this Site is subject to express Terms of Use. By using this Site, you signify that you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use.
Revisions To The Terms And Agreement:
Please stay up to date on these terms of service, terms of agreement, terms of use, contract or but not limited to agreement as we reserve the right to modify these terms at any time without notice.
Venue Clause
This Agreement and performance hereunder shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas, and each party agrees to submit to the jurisdiction and venue of the Circuit Court of Dallas County, Texas.
The content, organization, graphics, design, compilation, magnetic translation, digital conversion and other matters related to the Site are protected under applicable copyrights, trademarks and other proprietary (including but not limited to intellectual property) rights such as how the site procedures and but not limited to functions. The copying, redistribution, use or publication by you of any such matters or any part of the Site, except as allowed by written and personally signed by the owner, is strictly prohibited. You do not acquire ownership rights to any content, document or other materials viewed through the Site. The posting of information or materials on the Site does not constitute a waiver of any right in such information and materials. Some of the content on the site may be the copyrighted work of third parties. You are hereby warned not to use any material from this website or any process of the website.
Internet Crime has been active in combating Internet crime and abuse. Associated lawyers have testified before the U.S. House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security about the rapid proliferation of illegitimate pharmacies and child pornography on the Internet. In fact, the company had a hand in the 2008 passage of the Ryan Haight Online Pharmacy Consumer Protection Act, named after a California teenager who died from an overdose of a drug he bought online. is also working with international agencies to form new and reform old international Internet theft laws because using a service and declining to pay for what you have rendered no matter what form the service is in after making an agreement is theft of service.
We have worked close with local, state, Federal and international law enforcement and non-law enforcement organizations in order to defeat many types of Internet crime and to work with in the laws of business practices of this website and many other websites and companies. Our efforts have also been coupled and accompanied with local and state representatives giving input and overseeing organizational projects focused on educating the general public about Internet crime and resource, data and statistics sharing.
WARNING: is a permission-based fax service and is not meant to send unwanted fax messages to the general public. Customers suspected of sending spam may have their accounts put on hold and will be recorded for any case of legal actions required. |