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Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) All versions PDF
Adobe Postscript All versions PS
Adobe Photoshop v. 3.0 and above PSD
Amiga Interchange File Format (IFF) Raster Bitmap only IFF
Comma Separated Values Format All versions CSV
CompuServe Graphics Interchange Format GIF87a, GIF89a GIF
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eFax Messenger® Document Format eFax Messenger EFX, HOT
eFax Messenger® Document Format j2 Messenger JFX
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Hypertext Markup Language HTML only, with base href tag required HTML, HTM
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Microsoft Word Template Windows: v.97, 2000, 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013; Mac: v.4, 5.x, 95, 98 DOT, DOTX
Microsoft Works Word Processor v.4.x, 5, 6, 7, 8.x, 9 WPS
Microsoft Excel 97-2013 XLS, XLSX
Microsoft PowerPoint 97-2013 PPT, PPTX
Microsoft Publisher 97-2013 PUB
Microsoft Word Win: v. 95-2013 Mac: v. 4-98 DOC, DOCX
OpenDocument Drawing All versions ODG
OpenDocument Presentation All versions ODP
OpenDocument Spreadsheet All versions ODS
OpenDocument Text All versions ODT
PC Paintbrush Graphics (PCX) All versions PCX
Plain Text All versions TXT, DOC, LOG, ERR, C, CPP, H, SRC
Portable Network Graphics (PNG) All versions PNG
Quattro Pro v. 6 and above QPW, WB1, WB2, WB3
Rich Text Format All versions RTF
StarOffice Drawing All versions SXD
StarOffice Presentation All versions SXI
StarOffice Spreadsheet All versions SXC
StarOffice Text Document All versions SXW
Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) All versions TIF, TIFF
Truevision Targa Format All versions TGA
Visio Drawing v.3 and above VSD, VSDX
Windows Bitmap All versions BMP
Word Perfect Graphics v. 2.0 and above WPG